Tetouan Beaches, recommended to visit

Tetouan beaches are charming with their natural beauty. Despite being an inland city, it has a coast with very close and great beaches.

We suggest you have a pleasant trip.

Tetouan Beaches

Martil Beach

Tetouan is a city in the north of Morocco that is known for its beautiful beaches. Here are some of the best beaches to visit in Tetouan:

Martil Beach

The one closest to this place is Martil, which is 5 km away by road. There is a long sandy beach from the mouth of Oued Martil to Oued Lila. There is a beautiful promenade along the water with hotels, restaurants, and cafes.

It’s safe and doesn’t have waves, so it gets a lot of visitors in the summer. Because it’s close to the city, the water can get dirty.

Cabo Negro Beach

From the mouth of the Oued Lila to Cabo Negro. It is the extension of the previous beach, more private and convenient, next to several urbanizations, a golf club, and the Mediterranean Club. Fine sand beach except next to the cape, with beautiful coves.

It is accessed from the urbanization of Cap Noir or the road from Cap Noir to Martil.

Tamuda Bay Beaches

From Mdiq to Fnideq. It is accessed by the coastal road between Mdiq and Castillejos. White sand without rocks usually swells free and safe. We will notice the following:

Mdiq Beach

It faces the town of Mdiq. Fine sand and much visited by locals, with a wide seafront promenade with cafes, restaurants, and hotels. It ends with the Smir lagoon, where the Royal Summer Residence is located.

Kabila Beaches

Kabila Beaches are a group of beautiful beaches located in the region of Tetouan, which is in northern Morocco. Tetouan is known for its picturesque coastline along the Mediterranean Sea, and Kabila Beaches are among the popular destinations for both locals and tourists looking to enjoy the sun, sand, and sea.

Marina Smir Beaches

Marina Smir and its marina are on the beach at Marina Smir. It starts at the mouth of the Oued Smir river, where there is a lot of luxury housing.

It has white sand but is more private and surrounded by high-end cities with many services, like Kabila and Ksar Rimal.

Restinga Smir Beach

From the port of Marina Smir to the advance of Restinga. White sand, safe and bordered by housing estates and the Club Meditérranée, surrounded by reefs in the far north next to the cape. Beautiful views of Ceuta.

Riffien Beach 

Extension of the coast. Vast beach surrounded by a spectacular maritime promenade, although without services. It extends to Fnideq. With the Alcudia Smir urbanization and the ruins of the Spanish barracks of the Dar Riffien legion.

Beaches South of Martil

Beaches South of Martil

Sidi Abdelselam beach 

Before arriving on the coast, taking a track to the north, we can access the Sidi Abdelselam beach , dominated by a marabout tomb and surrounded by the Oued Martil, of clear sand with dunes and solitary.

Azla Beach

South of the previous one, unbuilt, clean, and safe. Cove is 10 km away, surrounded by mountains, very visited in summer by swimmers and anglers, a beaching place for fishing boats, and an excellent place to buy fresh fish. It has a small market, small cafes, a campsite, and its famous fish restaurants, the most classic is Azla, at the start of the beach. Another is the Perla Blanca 1 km towards Oued Laoud.

Amsa Beach

To get there, we follow the road to Oued Laoud. After we pass Cape Nazari, we arrive at a pretty cove 17 km from Tetouan, at the mouth of the wadi, where we can swim.

The village is in the countryside and is an excellent place to go on vacation. There is a pharmacy, a market, a taxi stand, cafes, and a good restaurant. You can get to the beach, which is more than a mile long, by walking from both ends.

This is an excellent place to buy fresh fish, fruits, and vegetables in the afternoon. It has a small Souk where you can buy them.

Tamarabet Beach

20 km away, you can get there from Tetouan by a track once you have passed the wadi. It is a wide gravel and sand beach, with cliffs at each end and refreshments in summer.

Tamernut Beach

At 23 km, it is accessed by a path that runs through the small wadi; it is a beach in the middle of cliffs, a place for fishing, dark sand, and stone, protected from the winds, partially built with houses and ‘apartments, next to the beach there are a cafe, restaurant, and shops.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does tetouan have a beach?

Tetouan is a community in northern Morocco near the Mediterranean Sea. Although Tetouan is not located precisely on the coast, several beaches are within a short distance of the city.

Martin Beach, located approximately 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) to the west of Tetouan, is one of the most renowned beaches in the area. This beach is well-known for its fine sand, crystal-clear water, and abundance of beachfront restaurants and eateries. The shoreline known as Cabo Negro shoreline is located approximately 20 kilometers (12 miles) to the east of Tetouan. This shore is recognized for its rocky cliffs, golden sand, and clear waters.

In addition to M’diq Beach, Marina Smir Beach, and Fnideq Beach, there are several additional beaches in the area. Even though Tetouan does not have a beach within its municipal limits, some beautiful beaches are in the surrounding area.

Tetouan beach resort

Although some beaches are nearby, Tetouan is not a beach resort destination. However, a few hotels and resorts nearby provide beach access and additional amenities.

The Marina Smir Hotel & Spa is a renowned resort located approximately 30 kilometers (18 miles) east of Tetouan. This resort has a private beach, numerous swimming pools, restaurants, and a spa.

Another option is the Kabila Hotel, located approximately 20 kilometers (12 miles) east of Tetouan. This hotel provides direct access to Cabo Negro Beach, in addition to a pool, spa, and multiple dining options.

In addition, many lesser hotels and inns in the area provide beach access and other amenities. Therefore, although Tetouan is not necessarily known as a beach resort destination, there are still several options for beachgoers.

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