Moroccan Couscous: Culinary Delight

Moroccan Couscous is a Friday lunch, so many Moroccans close their day or prioritize it as a time to go to the mosque and then eat the most traditional dish in their country: couscous.

This small semolina is a symbol of reunion, family, and celebration. Although it is found in homes and restaurants every Friday, it also graces the tables at weddings, births, and other special occasions.

In restaurants, only those catering to tourists serve it outside on Fridays; therefore, despite our love for it, we must wait week after week to indulge in its savory flavors.

Many ask, “What is this food, and where do you get it?”

Moroccan Couscous

Couscous are small grains made from durum wheat semolina. Arab countries eat with their fingers, taking small handfuls and making small balls in their mouths. Yum!

It is no coincidence that it has been introduced into our diet, as Couscous or Couscous is one of the essential foods in the cuisine of Arab countries. It is trendy in Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria. The first written reference to Couscous is from the 13th century. It is a book entitled Cookbook in the Maghreb and Al-Andalus. Did you know that this traditional stew is usually cooked on holidays or during Ramadan?

Couscous a national identity

 Couscous a national identity

It symbolizes fertility, abundance, family love, and friendship for Moroccans. They consider it a blessing, and for this reason, its preparation has its protocol and rhythm.

Use tall steaming utensils for this. The women or men who make it should talk about religious issues, good luck, and happiness rather than getting into an argument.

It is, therefore, more than a dish. This food marks a national identity and is the jewel of Moroccan cuisine.

The end of the week is particular for anyone who works from Monday to Friday. In this sense, Morocco and Couscous make this situation a double joy: we will first enjoy a great delicacy and then the weekend.

How to prepare Moroccan Couscous?

prepare Moroccan Couscous

Cooking has done an excellent job of making the meat and vegetables very soft and juicy. Semolina should be made this way because it is easier to digest and light. It also remembers that it has good flavors from the broth, so it tastes good, too!.


For the broth:

1.5 kg mutton shoulder

2 white onions

1 small bunch of flat-leaf parsley

A large glass of dried chickpeas

4 tablespoons of neutral oil

Spices :

1 full teaspoon of Rass el Hanout

1 teaspoon black pepper

1 teaspoon of ginger

1/2 teaspoon saffron pistils

1 teaspoon ground ginger

a Knorr stock cube

a very mild pepper type small green pepper called “spicy pepper.”



4 large carrots

2 zucchini

4 turnips

2 potatoes or sweet potato

a chunk of pumpkin and a handful of broad beans.

to mix things up: eggplant, pepper, and white cabbage (be careful, it colors the sauce)

A maximum of two tomatoes

4 liters is about right.

For the semolina couscous:

Couscous (medium): 1 cup

2 to 4 tbsp. of olive oil.

1/4 cup of water that has been left to warm up in the refrigerator

Smen is a salt (special rancid butter)


Mixing bowl



 Step 1

Moroccan Couscous in phases and a few hints and suggestions. The broth is being made:

Couscous is done when the oil in the pot is hot, and the meat chunks are big enough to fit in the saucepan.

Mix the two onions, the parsley, and the seasonings in a big bowl. Sear for a few minutes, but don’t overcook the meat, like in the tagine.

 2nd step

– Moroccan Couscous in stages and some tips. Add the chickpeas and the hot pepper.

Tip: soak the chickpeas the night before in lukewarm tap water for about one night. The following day, drains are put in a large bag and placed in the freezer until the desired time.

Mix, then drizzle with water, generously covering all the meat. Cover and cook while preparing the vegetables and semolina.

 Step 3

– Moroccan Couscous in stages and some tips. During this time, clean and peel the vegetables, and cut them into large pieces.

For example, the carrot and the zucchini once in the width direction and then once in the length order. Quarter the potato and the turnip lengthwise, leave the beans like this, cut the pumpkin into medium pieces, and cut the cabbage into large quarters.

 Step 4

 – Once the meat has melted halfway and separated from the bone, it’s time to serve. Count for 15 minutes after adding the turnip and carrot, then add the remainder of the vegetables.

As soon as everything is mixed up, a spoonful of water is added to the soup pot. Then, the pumpkin is cooked in a separate pan before it is into the soup.

Adjust the salt and pepper to your liking.

 Step 5

 – Moroccan Couscous in phases and a few hints and suggestions Couscous semolina: how to make it at home

Salt and olive oil are all you need to add to a large salad bowl.

Coat the seeds with your fingers, not your entire hand. While mixing, add a small amount of water at a time.

Otherwise, the Couscous would be too dry to boil and need to be rehydrated.

The seeds separate, roll, and produce a moistening effect when ingested.

Before placing the semolina, I heated the broth in the couscoussier so that the couscous semolina was ready.

For the couscoussier’s two halves, use a joint, a rolled-up plastic bag, or a tea towel to the lute.

Whether or if you cover the Couscous is up to you...

 Step 6

– Moroccan Couscous in stages and some tips After cooking for a few minutes (about 15 minutes), remove it and place it in a large dish.

Sprinkle with a bit of water and mix with a wooden spoon or your hands to aerate the seeds.

Put back on top of the Couscous and repeat the operation 3 to 5 times after 15 to 20 minutes, as soon as the Couscous is cooked. Do not hesitate to taste it. In the last step, add 1/4 tsp—coffee of Smen or rancid butter to flavor and give a subtle taste.

Tip: sprinkle your Couscous with a small ladle of broth and mix; it will soak up all the flavors.

 Step 7

 – For the dressing:

Place the Couscous in a big, deep dish and use a large spoon to smooth the top. About three good scoops of water should cover the whole amount of Couscous in the middle.

Arrange the vegetables evenly around the meat, with a carrot, a zucchini, and a potato serving as centerpieces. Add the pumpkin and chickpeas at the end. Repeat the process of basting. Pour the remaining soup into a serving bowl and pass it to the guests.

Serve immediately, piping-hot, as soon as possible. Serve with yogurt, fermented milk, or curdled milk sauces, such as harissa.

You may be given Couscous with fresh fruit, such as grapes or watermelon, to counteract the dish’s saltiness.

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